Lazima uwe mmoja wa jamii ya ili upakue rasilimali. Bofya vitufe vilivyo hapa chini ili uingie au ujisajili!
Kategoria | Mtoto Filosofia |
Mmiliki wa Rasilimali | Compassion International |
Hope is a verb. Hope is a muscle that can be strengthened with exercise. Hope is a spiritual discipline that can be practiced. And here is the really good news – hope can be built. Hope-builders nurture children. They care and encourage and support. They teach children that tomorrow can be better than today. They encourage children to dream. They help children find a way forward and encourage them to keep trying. They shelter hope and strengthen it. They are hope-builders. They are champions for children. The good news is that almost every church already has such child-champions. This video shares one story of a hope builder in the Philippines. The video is 5 minutes and 17 seconds long and is appropriate for people ages 12+., inayotolewa na Compassion International, hutoa mawazo, fursa za kujifunza na uhusiano kuwasaidia watu wanaofanya kazi na watoto walio katika mazingira hatarishi. Sisi ni jamii ya wafuasi wa Yesu duniani kote iliyojitolea kwa ajili ya ukuaji wa watoto kiujumla. Tunakualika ujiunge nasi katika jamii hii yenye ushirikiano ili kushirikisha mawazo, uzoefu, mbinu na zana zinazowasaidia watoto kuimarika hata wakiwa katika changamoto. inatolewa na Compassion International, shirika lisilo la faidia lililosajiliwa 501(c)3. Nyenzo, kozi, na majadiliano yote yanakusudiwa kwa matumizi ya elimu peke yake, na sio kwa faida.