Lazima uwe mmoja wa jamii ya ili upakue rasilimali. Bofya vitufe vilivyo hapa chini ili uingie au ujisajili!
Kategoria | Ujuzi wa Maisha |
Mmiliki wa Rasilimali | Compassion International |
It is hard for many kids growing up in the Philippines to pursue their dreams; life for them is often hopeless. Many of the children’s dreams were stolen from them. But My Plan for Tomorrow provides a way to tell children how to move from a dream to a reality. It enables children to see life from a holistic perspective, which focuses on four areas of life: socio-emotional, cognitive, spiritual, and physical. My Plan for Tomorrow is a helpful tool used by churches in teaching kids how to create goals and a purpose for their lives. This short 2 minutes and 59 second video illustrates the effectiveness of this tool., inayotolewa na Compassion International, hutoa mawazo, fursa za kujifunza na uhusiano kuwasaidia watu wanaofanya kazi na watoto walio katika mazingira hatarishi. Sisi ni jamii ya wafuasi wa Yesu duniani kote iliyojitolea kwa ajili ya ukuaji wa watoto kiujumla. Tunakualika ujiunge nasi katika jamii hii yenye ushirikiano ili kushirikisha mawazo, uzoefu, mbinu na zana zinazowasaidia watoto kuimarika hata wakiwa katika changamoto. inatolewa na Compassion International, shirika lisilo la faidia lililosajiliwa 501(c)3. Nyenzo, kozi, na majadiliano yote yanakusudiwa kwa matumizi ya elimu peke yake, na sio kwa faida.